Pak Choi & the Slugs
Things you need to know about pak choi
Pak choi is really easy to grow in pots, but there is somebody else who likes it more than we do. Slugs. I had mine covered with a fabric cloche for the first month and they were even able to lift the cloche and wriggle in. Seriously. They made fast work on the young plants, as you can see. So keep it covered or employ top notch slug beating tactics.Apparently, pak choi is prone to bolting in hot weather, but I've never experienced that. Guess there are some advantages to the British summer... but still best to keep it a little shady.In a generous pot you can have pak choi for most of the year as it grows quickly and doesn't mind a bit of a chill. Each cabbage can be harvested after about 5/6 weeks and then just plant a few seeds in the gap. Unless you're eating stir-fries like billio it can go a long way.My pak choi is planted with kale, as kale is a tall plant and takes ages, so you can easily grow pak choi underneath to make good use of the space.
How do you eat yours?
I braised mine with some tenderstem broccoli, really quickly with some fresh chilli and a massive seared peppered tuna steak.
"Gardening gives one back a sense of proportion about everything - except itself."May Sarton, Plant Dreaming Deep, 1968