DIY ~ Large Modern Planter on Wheels
Having a container garden can be expensive as stylish large planters can be pricey. I wanted something modern and deep, not only for root veg but to give the garden height and makes best use of the space. As I'm all for a bit of doing it yourself, I made my own...Plus, I'm not promising anything but with my lower planters (40cm high) it's snail city, but they haven't managed to climb up these yet (60cm high). Maybe they just get to about 50cm of climbing and think sod it! So it's worth it just for that.
Exterior plywood: MDF Cut to SizeLong side panels: 80cm x 60cm x 2 • Short side panels: 40cm x 60cm x 2Bottom panel: 77.6cm x 40cm x 1Wood rods: B&Q 3.4cm x 3.4cmGeotextile lining: AmazonHeavy duty caster wheels: AmazonWood screws • Wing nuts • Primer paint • Exterior paintPolystyrene (optional) + Compost
Hammer • Drill • Screws • Paint brush • Staple gun • Cup of tea
BOTTOM FIRSTYou need: Bottom panel • Rods: 40cmTake the bottom piece and screw the 4 wooden rods on each side. Each one should be centered, so you have room for the vertical panel rods to fit in each corner.SMALL SIDE PANELSYou need: Small side panels • Rods: 40cmGet the smaller side panels and screw each rod to the long sides with a few screws. These rods should go 1cm away from the edge of one side to allow room to slot over the bottom panel. There will be room at the top, so the rods aren't seen.
Now screw these to each short side of the bottom panel.
LARGE SIDE PANELSYou need: Large side panels • Rods: 40cmNow the larger panels can be screwed to the longer sides and add some more screws if it feels insecure (or you do).
SAND + PAINTBoring I know, but you need to sand it down a bit and add a generous amount of primer inside and out.Then paint with your chosen colour. One coat inside and outside, then I did a further coat outside.
WHEELSYou need: Caster wheelsScrew your wheels to the bottom, paying attention to where you want the brakes to be. We needed to use wing nuts as the screw holes were a little too big on wheels.
LININGYou need: Geotextile liningCut a generous piece of lining and lay on the bottom of the planter. Now start stapling the folded edge of the lining about 1 cm from the top around the planter. When you reach all around, just make a neat/ish edge and staple down the side. Now tidy up the bottom and staple round the bottom edges so the wood isn't exposed.
Now move to where you want it and fill with polystyrene and shit loads of compost (we needed 1 1/2 large bags for each one).Plant something tasty (or beautiful) and pour yourself s glass of wine.
"We are stardust,we are golden,and we've got to get ourselvesback to the garden. "Joni Mitchell