The Only Way is Myddelton House Gardens
Look out Kew! There's a new favourite garden in town, and when I say town I mean it, as it's in London. Well sort of. Enfield. Which is on the Essex/Waltham Forest border. But you can get there with an Oyster card, so that must be London right?So where to start...History wise, the garden is part of the Bowles family, so nothing to do with the now royal Middletons, but might have something to do with also now royal Parker-Bowles crew.Primarily Ed Bowles, who loved his garden and sounds like a very green fingered chap (noted one of the greatest gardeners of the 20th century) and is particularly fond of crocuses.Everywhere you go there are just wonderful views, and aside from crocuses and the wisteria, I felt like July was a jolly good time to go, especially if you're interested in the kitchen garden.Other details that were particularly wonderful today was the amazing colour of the hostas on the rock garden (the first thing Ed created), the smell of the peaches in the Peach House (yes there is a Peach House) the seriously impressive cabbages and kitchen garden, the conservatory and the classical music in the Large Glass House.There is wildlife and benches everywhere, pagodas and glass houses and an honesty box for homegrown treats. And what a treat it is... a free treat at that. No entrance fee for this green delight and the map only cost 20p.And you can take dogs! I don't have a dog (yet), but if I did I would definitely take it back next spring to see the crocuses.
“One of the greatest virtues of gardening is this perpetual renewal of youth and spring, of promise of flower and fruit that can always be read in the open book of the garden, by those with an eye to see and a mind to understand.”Edward Augustus Bowles, 1915